14 Newborn Photography Ideas for Your Little Ones
The most special, yet the most fleeting phase of parenthood is that of a newborn. Holding your newborn is magical, that you wish to cherish these moments to the fullest and yet forever. But forever is an illusion so documenting these moments is all you can do to freeze time, it may somehow turn to be a tedious task as newborns won’t respond to impromptu activities but you have to take the chance.
Here are the time tested newborn photography techniques which facilitate you in preserving the short lived newborn phase like a pro.
1. Tiny Details:

Your little ones will grow up while you’ll keep wondering how tiny they once were. Create a perfect nostalgia album by capturing their cuteness overloaded with minute details. A close up click of their feet before they start walking or running. Click their little hands and fingers before you hand them toys they throw away, capture their eyes and smile before they start expressing in words and so much more because the little ones won’t be this little forever and you need to accept that.
2. Strike a pose:

The little ones are naturally fragile, and need to be handled with care, so before you choose a pose make sure that it is comfortable for the baby. A lot of parents choose to click their baby in poses as it brings out the best of their cuteness and innocence. One such pose is a frog pose where the baby’s legs are on the side and their hands are placed under the chin, the other one is womb/ taco pose where the baby is placed in a curled up position in such a manner that their entire body from tiny toes to tiny hands is shown, this one is for sure considered as a holistic picture. It is also advised to stay near the baby while striking a pose because no matter how flexible they are, one shouldn’t leave them unattended.
3. Mommy and baby picture:

The most beautiful and celebrated bond ever is of a mother and child. Becoming a mother is a privilege and to document such experience is a privilege with your newborn is a privilege too. Whether a mother is simply holding her child in her arms or pretending to strike a pose, there is a natural chemistry between them which enhances the beauty of the pictures and makes it look effortlessly natural and no mother wishes to give it a miss. For that extra cuteness be a matching mommy- baby duo.
4. All kids frame:

If there is anyone after parents who is really happy and excited about the newborn then it’s their siblings. Kids vibe with newborn on an entirely different level. An all kids frame depicts an overloaded level of cuteness and innocence, which they will cherish once they grow up. There are a lot of poses which highlight the sibling bonds. An elder one carrying newborn in their arms or simply lying next to each other on a back pose is so poise in nature.
5. The candid shot:

Photography is all about timing and not every shot can be predicted. While you are capturing the newborn there are moments which happen without giving a knock on your lens. Newborn are beautifully unpredictable, you can always leave them on their own for a while and get some candid shots like smile on their face, or they are just looking into nothing and expressing a lot through their eyes, if lucky enough you’ll get to capture them yawning or crying, which again makes a beautiful shot. So remember not every capture needs fabrication sometimes things happen on their own and all you need to do is be ready with the camera.
6. The pet siblings:

Your pet is your first child until you have a biological one. Whether a cat or a dog they showcase equal happiness and love towards a newborn and are highly excited to make them a part of their own lives. You can capture both candid as well as pose pictures with the pet sibling of the newborn. You can place them near to each other to witness their bond. This is indeed one of the new as well as most creative forms of newborn photography as it allows one to explore the innocence of this human and pet bond.
7. The daddy’s little baby:

When you strike a pose with mommy why should daddy be left out. Fathers are known for their strength and utmost care for their child, they showcase a promise to keep their child secure from all the problematic situations arising. The message- My daddy strongest can be beautifully depicted in the picture where the baby is sleeping on his father’s shoulder or on his one arm whereas the message that he shall protect the baby from all situations can be picturized where he is embracing the baby with his both hands. A father may not express his love in words but through pictures which depict their bond will be cherished throughout.
8. Picture Perfect:

While the baby is the center of the photo shoot there are no rules that say parents cannot be a part of it. A family picture shows unity and love. By keeping the new born center of attraction both the parents can together strike pose where they are kissing the baby or have embraced him in their hands which show how much they love their child equally. So a family picture is a must have for the newborn photo shoot album. Sometime photographers who have been in the industry and are providing photography also take help from photo editing services providers to make their photography perfect and error free.
9. One with a toy:

Toys are an integral part of childhood including the newborn phase. Toys aren’t just for entertainment these are part of learning as well, which helps in mental development of the child. Toys arrive even before the child is born, and when the child is born the toys flood in more. Everyone brings toys for the baby, and being their first possession, babies forms an emotional connects with their toys. Clicking child with toys help in maintaining this connect which can help them walk down the memory lane once they grow up.
10. Grandparent’s unconditional love:

Generations apart yet so close, who would unconditionally love the baby more than their grandparents. The baby is indeed the apple of their grandparent’s eyes and they are indeed the happiest to welcome them home. With utmost care and love they raise the baby (of course after their parents) for which they deserve to create memories which can take them on a backward journey when the baby is grown up. Also it is a fact that the baby will not be accompanied by his grandparents forever so in order to cherish them throughout his life, what could be better than a photo session with them.
11. Color theme:

Choosing a color theme gives uniformity to the photo shoot. Choosing soft and pastel colors gives a classy and unique look which enhances the clarity and sharpness of photos. Putting a blanketed baby on matching bed cover with a matching pillow while striking a taco pose makes a simple yet classy picture. So while choosing a color theme try to avoid loud and flashy colors as it may look too much for the baby shoot.
12. Prop it up:

When it comes to using a prop for your newborn baby’s shoot, the sky is the limit. You can be a creative as your imagination while choosing a prop for your child. Books, toys, pillows, blanket, basket…anything can be used as a prop until it’s safe to be kept near a baby and doesn’t possess any harm or side effects. Adding a prop will enhance the pictures and add flair to it, making it look unique and different from other random photo shoots.
13. Fancy outfits:

They say that parents are the first fashion stylists of their children. Dressing up baby is every parent’s dream; they do research the latest fashion trend for their kids as they want them to look the best. Dressing up your child in the most fancy as well as funky manner for the shoot will leave an impact memory of the same because it is seen that when kids grow up they dress themselves so why not consider this as an opportunity to dress them up as per your wish before they grow up.
14. Unique Head piece:

The crown area of a baby is one of the most attractive parts for the photography purpose. Adding a fancy hat, or a ribbon/ bow will enhance their facial expressions. A head piece indeed looks attractive making the entire look of the baby unique and stylish, say for example putting a blanketed baby with a bow on crown area looks more attractive as it gives detail and a subject prop to the photography as compared to a simple blanketed baby pose.