8 Key Reasons Why Real Estate Businesses Should Utilize Virtual Home Staging Services
There is no denying the fact that visual simulation does bring an appeal to a product, rarely matched by other aspects. Same is the case with Virtual Staging for real estate property listings. In fact, it is no more secret that virtual staging is fast becoming a great sales tool for real estate agents.
As per a report from the National Association of Realtors, USA, approximately 40% of realtors believe that virtual staging influences home buyer's decision, to the tune of increasing sales potential by about 10-15%.
What is Home Staging?
If you are wondering what home staging is, it can be defined as the method to fill-in the vacant home inside spaces with functional elements like furniture and other aspects. Home staging is all about giving the viewer a perception of how the room will look like when filled with necessary or imagined components. This helps them to decide about the functionality and convenience, as well as aesthetics.
However, traditional home staging means labor-intensive work. It takes time, high expenditure and labor to stage a particular work.
What is Virtual Staging? How it is Different to Traditional Home Staging?
When staging is done digitally rather than manually at the real site, using software and home images, it is called as virtual staging. Through using a technique known as Computer Generated Imagery (CGI), 3D models of furniture and décor items are added to the room's empty spaces to create a real-world feel of how home space will look and function.
Compared to traditional home staging, real estate virtual staging is quick, easy, and extremely inexpensive. With virtual staging, we can create multiples of room staging results within the time it takes to stage one home space through manual process.
How Real Estate Virtual Staging Works?
It is a hassle-free procedure but one that requires professional skills. It involves virtual placing of furniture and décor elements in a particular room or entire home corresponding to certain interior style, preference and taste. The virtual staging professional uses photographs of rooms, which is then edited using a certain software or program to add the components.
Why Real Estate Businesses Should Use Virtual Staging Services?
1. Most of the Property Search is Done Online
In today's times when everything is searched for and looked up on the internet, property search is also something that more than 90% of buyers rely on the internet for. When most of your potential buyers are using the digital mode, then you need to provide them with a complete solution virtually. Not just property listing and some images of the property, but virtually staging helps them to get a deeper and clear feel of how it will look and function.
2. Cost-Effective and Fast Process
There is no need of manual labor work. There is no requirement of real furniture and décor items that adds extensively to the cost of staging. All you need is a professional service provider to get virtual staging done for a property done endless times, for any number of properties. This process is also much quicker, where you can get several properties staged virtually as compared to the time it takes to stage one manually.
3. Gain Competitive Advantage
'Not all of the real estate professionals and agents use virtually staging as of now. So, when you are able to provide an additional functionality with your property listing, it gets you a step ahead of your competitors.
4. Showcase Unique Selling Point of the Property
Many times, vacant spaces aren't able to attract buyers the way a room fully furnished with furniture and décor elements can. You can assess and highlight unique selling points of your property by staging it the way you want.
5. Create 'N’ Number of Designs
Want a vintage style finish for a particular room? Or you want to highlight the capability of minimalistic modern style? Or you want to show how a limited size property space can be well utilized? Whatever the purpose and requirement, virtual staging offers you limitless design creation capability.
6. Works Well for an Uncompleted House
There are times when you have an unfinished property which you want to put up in advance while it gets completed. With virtual staging you can complete an unfinished house by fully creating aspects like flooring, furnishings and more elements.
7. It Creates an Emotional Connection
Property searches want to feel that emotional connection with a space which a vacant space is not capable of more often. With this method you can create a dream home design and style that they are looking for, which triggers their emotions.
8. It Cuts Down on Traveling Costs
Visiting different properties that are manually staged takes time and also includes traveling expenses. With virtual staging, potential buyers are saved from such a hassle, and it provides them with a much better, convenient, time-saving and cost-effective option.
Virtual staging with professional image retouching services has the potential to exhibit a property's true potential, create an attractive representation, and make it better than what people are finding elsewhere. It helps real estate agents to market their listings in a much more effective way, developing into a convenient selling point.